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What are Patrols?

Mobile Patrols are security officers that drive from site to site performing security checks to ensure businesses & private residence are secure. They also respond to alarm activation & hold up alarms. Patrol officers also can provide access to staff or contractors when the key holder is not available.

The Problem

Most businesses can not afford to have a security guard protecting their premises 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They also dont want to leave their property and assets unattended when they are not on site. Crime rate is higher then ever and break-in, property theft and damage is extremely common and the businesses with out security services are the ones being targeted!

The Solution

V.I.P 360 provide a cost effective solution to minimise the threat of theft, damage & other criminal activities by providing security patrols when you are not on site. Having security will also lower your insurance cost. You can have multiple visits through out the night and on the week ends or just 1 check per night to ensure your staff locked up correctly when they left. We share the vehicle cost between lots of clients and generally you only get charged for the minutes we are on your site.


VIP 360 offers Mobile Patrol Security Services in Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Brisbane & Gold Coast. We can provide as many or as little patrols as you feel is required. We can offer you tailored advise to protect your premises and stay with in your budget. By having a package as small as 1 patrol a night to ensure your staff have locked up correctly will save on your insurance policy. Patrol services really do pay for them self in the long run. You save on insurance cost, theft, damage & operational down time. See some of the patrol services we offer below:

  • Lock Up – Ensure your staff locked up on departure
  • Unlock – Unlock doors before trade of business
  • Key Holder – Provide access after hours
  • Staff Escort – Provide protection when staff are exiting the premises to vehicles
  • External Patrol – Outside fence line perimeter
  • Intermediate Patrol – Inside fence line & exterior of buildings
  • Internal Patrol – Inside buildings
  • Equipment Monitoring – Temperature gauges, appliances & machinery
  • Alarm Responses
  • Hold Up Alarms
  • Welfare Check


Majority of security company are using outdated technology and paper reporting systems. Out dated data wands to track guards have to be uploaded after the shift is finished and do not have the features of our modern security software utilising smart phone technology. We have found paper reporting to have too much room for human error and is very slow to get results to clients. See below for some of the features our clients access to via the online client portal.

GPS Tracking

Our Security Guards & vehicles are tracked by GPS so you know exactly where the security guards are at your site. We even have geolocation parameters set so we get alerts if any security guards leave the designated areas they should be guarding.

NFC Check Points


We ensure our security guards are checking specific areas by placing NFC check points in multiple locations on site. This will show Date/Time stamp when they scan the check point.


Site Map & Instructions

Our security software sends our guards specific instructions, maps & images of what needs attention to detail when securing your site. This eliminates any room for error or complacency.

Pass On Reports

Our technology allows our security officers to automatically pass on reports & information specific to your site to the next officer that is working the following night. This eliminates human error and ensures you are receiving a quality service.

Incident Reports

Most security company used hand written incident reports, then management type it up and email it to clients. Messy hand writing, staff forgetting information or not writing it down, end in the client not getting the critical information they require accurately and on time. Our technology allows our officers to take videos, photos and write reports directly on our mobile devices while onsite, this automatically gets email to you!

Daily Activity Reports

We can provide detailed activity reports of every security check we perform and any findings. This is suitable when security is onsite for a long time to ensure they are performing regular security checks.

Visitor Registration

If you require our security officers to record people and vehicles coming on or off site our technology allows us to quickly & efficiently record information which you can view instantly online. Reduce security threats and screen against unwanted visitors by scheduling visitors, visitor groups or setting parameters to follow.

Dispatch Request

Our technology allows you login to our system and dispatch a request, it will then target the closes guard to the area and send them the request. This is set as a task, it must be confirmed and completed. We can also provide video, image and text to report back to this request on completion.

Lone Worker Protection

We value the safety of our staff so we have invested in software to notify us when our staff are inactive for too long, fall over or hit their panic button. This allows us to monitor and respond to the safety of our security guards.

A. You can have patrols performed as a once off for 1 night or you can schedule them for a regular basis. The best thing about these services is they are flexible to suit your needs and budget. 

A. We can stay on site as long as required. If you want us to be on site from certain times we can. Normally when we do our first patrol we check every gate, door, window, building exterior and equipment on the property so we are on site for a while. We can also perform additional thorough patrols or more cost effective patrols where are not on site as long but still ensure the property is safe and secure.

A. We will only need access to the areas you wish us to patrol. If we perform alarm responses and need to access all areas then you will need to provide us access. 

A: We have industry leading technology that track the performance of our security officers. We have GPS tracking on vehicles and our guards every step they take is recorded. We have check points on each building or area you want to ensure is secured. The check points are recorded when the guard has checked that area and gives them live instructions on what is required for the next area (there is no excuses for them forgetting what to check). 

We have Incident reports, damage reports & OHS reports which can include, videos, images and signed written reports explaining what they found on site. These are emailed to you automatically and you can view these any time with your client login to our portal. 

You can send request and updates to the security patrol officers through the online portal and also view a live feed of our services.


On orders above $150

Security Advice & Technical Support

Licensed Security Firm

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

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